By Mai Manaloto
Integration of technology in fashion for the last decade has been a novelty at best, there simply isn’t much demand for it. Fashionista’s enjoy the simplicity and static nature of clothing as well as its purpose to cover, express, and adorn the body. Perhaps this is the case because something as superficial as fashionable clothing is never expected to save lives or perform arithmetic. Apart from aesthetic, clothing is expected to be utilitarian – meaning useful or functional. Examples of how this translate in garments can be having pockets in a trouser to put small valuable objects, breathability material of cotton to aid in hot weather and assist perspiration, or cushion in the soles of footwear for comfort. Artificial Intelligence is hardly evident in the actual output of fashion. It made me wonder, is AI even applicable in the fashion industry?
There is a dispute when it comes to the integration of AI in fashion given the creativity involved in the domain. Some would refute that technology can only take us so far and only human beings are capable of being creative. The current state of AI is that it is not evolved enough to be as creative as fashion designers and artists. It still lacks wider human perspective that is essential in creativity such as imagination, appreciation, culture and emotion. However, AI is paving its way to the supply end of the fashion industry. From chatbots that assist you when shopping to helping buyers envision their sartorial thoughts by providing an image or colour. AI algorithms have the capacity to give an equivalent or comparable image to help fashion consumers make a decision. Other technological advances being incorporated in the fashion landscape is the use of 3D printing to provide real-time, on-demand, and personalized goods. Digital wallets are growing popularity with the rise of mCommerce and eCommerce where individuals with smartphones can do their shopping through mobile business apps that provides simple payment services with digital wallets choices.
Data sciences are being used to enhance retail by augmenting the mobile eCommerce landscape. AI enhances the quality of search result by recommending consumers the right garment for the best price. It is also capable of predicting the future trends in fashion through prediction algorithms. AI is capable of investigating in bulk which items fashion savvy individuals are looking at the most and liking, providing data driven algorithm with an objective to set trends. Big data is being used as a tool for retailers to remain competitive in terms of its pricing plan. Retailers can use the aid of machine learning and AI algorithms that can predict stock levels, price points, and discount plans to stay ahead of competitors. All these technological advances are shrinking the supply chain and cost in the fashion industry.
With all the technological advances and application of AI in the fashion supply chain, could data scientists replace fashion designers? And would consumers prefer machine-made or human-made designs? This is an interesting ground in the fashion industry that needs further discourse. The current state of AI is that it is perceived as a technological tool for fashion designers to use. And just because AI is capable of providing data insight and performing mundane task in a short span of time, it does not guarantee that everything it produces will become a hit especially when the discourse is about sartorial taste. However, the efficacy of AI in consumer analytics is irrefutable. There will always be pros and cons when technology is being applied in any industry, whichever the case may be, the world is big enough and consumers are diverse enough for both human and machine-made designs to have a place in the fashion industry.
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